This week’s roundup of interesting digital marketing trends and industry news includes articles on YouTube, Google My Business, and Cyber Monday. Find out more about what we are reading this week below!

7 content marketing stats you need to know for 2019. What are the key trends you need to know for the next 12 months? Find out more from Search Engine Watch by clicking the photo above.

Google’s Site Quality Algorithm Patent. The algorithm patent is called, Classifying Sites as Low Quality Sites. Click above for the full article on Search Engine Journal.

YouTube to Remove All Annotations in January 2019. As more of YouTube’s viewership shifted to mobile devices, annotations started to become irrelevant. Click on the above photo for more from Search Engine Journal.

Google My Business API v4.3 has been released. The new Google My Business API adds read and respond to customer Q&A, read reviews in bulk, identify unclaimed locations, report location issues and much more. Read more from Search Engine Land by clicking on the above logo.