This week’s roundup of interesting digital marketing trends and industry news includes Google’s position on internal links, Google My Business new features, and how to achieve off the charts off-page SEO. See What We’re Reading below!

7 subtle on-site issues no SEO should miss. Your on-site SEO could be broken without you realizing it. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Land.

Google: Position & Weight of Internal Links for SEO Value. While one use for internal links is for users to enable them to easily find their way around a site, there is also a great deal of value in those links for SEO as well. Click on the above image to read the full article on The SEM Post.

Google begins rolling out messaging feature within Google My Business. You can now message with your customers directly via your Google local panel in mobile search. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Land.

Google My Business updates insights email sent to businesses. Check out the new, fancy emails Google is sending businesses with analytics for their local listings. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Land.