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Ask The Experts: Three Benefits Of Online Reputation Management For Dealerships

on March 6, 2017


In a busy world of constant feedback and ever-changing opinions, it can be tough to keep your business a shining jewel in everyone’s eyes. This can especially be tough for car dealerships because people rely on their vehicles as a part of their daily livelihood. 67% of car shoppers use online reviews when helping them to narrow down the dealership they want to purchase a car from or do business with.  A couple of negative reviews can really make other car searchers stop and re-think their choice, but online reputation management can help to alleviate these problems. The social team at L2TMedia provides three reasons your car dealership can benefit from reputation management for your review sites and Facebook social media presence.

Review Us graphic for cars courtesy Automotive Social on Flickr

Graphic courtesy Automotive Social on Flickr

  • Positive Reviews Help With Search Presence
    • As Google moves to a mobile focus, reviews are becoming more of a factor for local visibility. Ads are taking up more space; reviews are in organic results, maps listings, and knowledge graphs. This means that organic retail is a premium and that keeping up on online reviews will only help your local reputation. Assuming your SEO is equal to a competitor, having an edge in positive reviews and public perspective may be the push to bump you to the top and get you seen on local map results as a top business nearby.
  • Demonstrates Customer Service
    • You can tell customers how great your customer service is, but keeping an active reputation management presence online is proof that you live up to what you preach. This is your chance to show that your dealership is committed to responding to, and caring about, your online presence. This signals that you actively listen to your customers and their experiences. Sometimes this can turn a negative review into an updated positive review.
  • Gives Dealership A Voice
    • Similar to demonstrating customer service, online reputation management gives you something a business rarely had before – a voice! Active management of reviews and responding to customer feedback shows that there is a human element to your business, which is a trait that many consumers are looking for. A business is no longer removed from being heard and there is always a second side to every story. Be sure to share your side and to offer some real empathy when responding to your auto dealership’s business source.


Our social team at L2TMedia is always hard at work to provide your business and car dealership the resources it needs to handle online reputation. Our automotive digital marketing company will actively monitor your reviews and assist with funneling positive reviews to a customer’s site of choice through our review portals. Staying abreast of what your customers are talking about online will help your business to grow positively and provide a voice that could sway potential customers to give you a shot.


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Ask The Experts: Three Benefits Of Online Reputation Management For Dealerships

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