Do you want ads without having to pay for them? That’s the best analogy for what Google Posts can do for your car dealership. Recently, Google rolled out this feature to all businesses whereas it was previously used in niche sectors such as politics and expanding to a wider audience over time.
According to Google, 82% of people turn to search engines to find products, businesses, and services locally. With this large of a reach, it only makes sense that you want to help to promote your business. Ads are a great way to do that, but now Google is giving organic search more firepower. A Google Post will appear in search results and map results.
The post will be live for seven days after posting and then you will receive an email the day before to alert you to its expiration:
What can be done with one of these posts? First, you must be logged into Google my Business. Once you’re there and have your store selected that you want to manage then you click on “posts” on the left-hand side or navigate directly to Google Posts.
When creating a post, you are able to get a variety of options for your interactive card:
- Post a photo
- Write a post that is 100 – 300 words
- Create your event date
- Add your URL to the content you want to drive traffic to with a button
- Choices are “Learn more,” “reserve,” “Sign up,” “Buy” and “Get offer”

(What the form for completing a Google Post looks like.)
Once you’re satisfied after a preview, you can save it and it will go live. The new card with actionable features is just another tool in the arsenal of organic strategy and a great way to engage your customers while driving more traffic to targeted content.
If you have any questions, reach out to the experts here at our automotive digital marketing company – L2TMedia!