See what the employees of L2TMedia are reading this first week of April when it comes to Gmail scheduling, voice search analytics, and the update that affected the auto industry last month.

Google Assistant is Not Disclosing That Some Search Results are Ads. Google has a legal obligation to disclose when its surfacing advertisements in search results. That applies to web search as well as voice search. For more information from Search Engine Journal, click on the photo above.

How Google Shook the Auto Industry with its Latest Update: And What Dealers Can Do About It. On March 12, 2019 Google shook the automotive industry with updates that were drastic in shaping how websites are ranked within its results. Click above to learn more from Digital Dealer.

4 Reasons Why We Need Voice Search Analytics Now. Marketers will need to become more prepared to adjust their digital strategies around this. Click on the image to read the full article on Search Engine Journal.

Google testing new search menu with icons for maps, news, shopping and more. So instead of just showing the search vertical filters for displaying news results or image results, Google is showing icons next to those categories. To learn more from Search Engine Land, head over to the link above.