Welcome to this week’s edition of L2Tidings, where we explore the latest news in the automotive and digital marketing industries. This week, our automotive marketing specialists read about Ford’s new social distancing wristbands, how to care for your car while sheltering in place, and how U.S. auto sales are really being affected by COVID-19.

Don’t Quarantine Your Campaigns. Even if your business is not essential and is currently shut down, it’s still important to keep your marketing strategy in place and boost your online campaigns. Click the photo to learn six ways to keep your business alive during COVID-19.

At Ford, buzzing wristbands may keep workers apart. A dozen Ford Motor Co. workers are experimenting with wearable social distancing devices that could be deployed more widely once the company reopens idled manufacturing plants. Learn how these wristbands keep workers safe by clicking the photo.

Coronavirus Car Care: How to Keep Your Unused Car Healthy During a Stay-at-Home Order. With close to 50 percent of Americans currently being affected by stay-at-home orders, household cars, trucks, and SUVs are seeing little to no use, which could cause serious problems down the line. Find out how you can care for your car while sheltering in place by clicking above.

The coronavirus pandemic isn’t hurting US auto sales as much as feared, J.D. Power says. Sales of new vehicles to U.S. consumers declined less than expected during the first couple weeks of April, with up to 597,000 units expected to sell this month. Click above to find out which offers and incentives customers are responding to best.