See what the employees of L2TMedia are reading this week when it comes to marketing towards Millennials, Facebook’s new updates that will promote video content, and YouTube’s new ads.

Google announces new ‘discovery’ ad formats, revamped Shopping experience, native placements at Google Marketing Live. The company also announced a new Google Shopping experience that aspires to be more competitive with Amazon. Click above to learn more from Search Engine Land.

Facebook To Roll Out Updates To Promote Videos. Regarding loyalty and intent, Facebook will add more weight in ranking to videos that users seek out and return to week after week. Learn more from MediaPost by clicking above.

54% of Podcast Listeners Likely to Buy From Brands They Hear Advertised. The 54% of listeners who are either “somewhat” or “much more” likely to consider buying from a podcast sponsor vastly outweighs the 7% of listeners who are less likely. Click on the above image to read the rest on Search Engine Journal.

How voice search changes everything. Unlike traditional web-based search, where many results are displayed as a list — encouraging exploration, engagement, and choice — voice search is all about the one best answer. For more from Search Engine Land, click the photo above.

Automotive Marketing to Millennials: Important Lessons From a Survey of Over 1,000 Americans. Although it took them a while, millennials have finally entered the retail auto market, and they’ve entered in force. Click above to read the full article on CBT Automotive Network.