This week’s roundup of interesting digital marketing trends and industry news includes 9 tips for better Google image search results, the ultimate law of mobile site design, and changes to impression and position data in Google Search Console. See What We’re Reading below!

Mobile-First Indexing: Everything we know, and how it could affect you. For the past five to six months the search industry has been buzzing with talk around the biggest change to Google search results for quite some time – the mobile-first index. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Watch.

Changes to Impressions & Position Data in Google Search Console. If you have noticed changes in Google Search Console reporting with impressions and position data, that is to be expected. Google made some changes to make searches with lower positions more accurate, which is reflected in the changes. Click on the above image to read the full article on The SEM Post.

The ultimate law of mobile site design: Entertain users and drive conversion. Most consumers rely on their smartphones to make purchases and gain knowledge. In 2017, any business that lacks a mobile presence runs a serious risk of falling behind. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Watch.

Fighting Review Spam: The Complete Guide for the Local Enterprise. It’s 105 degrees outside my office right now, and the only thing hotter in this summer of 2017 is the local SEO industry’s discussion of review spam. It’s become increasingly clear that major review sites represent an irresistible temptation to spammers, highlighting systemic platform weaknesses and the critical need for review monitoring that scales. Click on the above image to read the full article on MOZ.

9 SEO tips for better Google Image search results. Before you start exploring voice search, make sure you’ve optimized your site images as fully as possible, suggests columnist Wesley Young. Find out why and how to take advantage of this often-neglected type of search. Click on the above image to read the full article on Search Engine Land.

Using Meta Keywords Tag Not a Google Spam Signal. But what about the possibility of Google using it as some kind of spam flag, in a reverse use of the meta keyword tag? After all, many times we do see the meta tag being used, they tend to be a pretty spammy list of keywords. Click on the above image to read the full article on The SEM Post.