You may have noticed that some organic traffic changes due to the Google Algorithm Vicinity Update that occurred in Q4 2021.
L2T is aware of this change and is monitoring client accounts closely to make sure we resolve any website traffic issues based on the algorithm update.
Full details about this “Vicinity” update can be found here.
What this Algorithm Update Means
This update is meant to place more emphasis on a user’s proximity when determining what shows up in the SERP. This creates the potential to hurt more rural dealers who historically would pull in traffic from further, more densely populated areas, and help dealers located in major metro areas who may now have fewer competitors.
This is something to be aware of if you have seen major organic traffic fluctuations.
Here is an example L2T analyzed for a dealership located 80 miles outside of Nashville in Cookeville, TN. This dealer’s traffic was down March/March considerably. After a closer look, we saw that the lost traffic was from Nashville, which is likely related to this vicinity update.

If you are an L2T SEO client notice changes to your traffic, please reach out to the L2T Team.
If you would like to learn more about L2T Performance SEO contact our Sales Team.