L2T Blog

L2T Engage Case Study: Driving Chevrolet Dealership Growth

on November 14, 2023

In this case study, we emphasize how our marketing solution, L2T Engage, played a pivotal role in helping a Chevrolet dealership in Downtown Detroit overcome specific challenges and achieve growth.

The Challenge: Local Constraints 

The Chevrolet dealership’s location in Downtown Detroit posed difficulties due to modest local incomes, resulting in limited buyer interest. 

The Solution: L2T Engage in Action 

L2T Engage provided a tailored approach. We collaborated to create personalized messages and offers, including “$500 Off Your Purchase” and “Get Employee Pricing Today.” We precisely targeted potential buyers just outside the zip code, expanding reach and boosting in-store visits. 

The Data: Proof of Success 

These numbers represent the tangible impact of our marketing strategy. The campaign effectively increased sales. 

Your Turn to Drive Success 

If you face similar challenges, we’re here to help. Ready to connect and explore how L2TMedia can support your dealership growth? 


L2T Engage Case Study: Driving Chevrolet Dealership Growth